You turned the peel in bare hands Grimaced at The limonene sting The universe unfurling How it imperfectly fell As if knowing became naked The embryo inside Weak as stained glass skin Theses days they put on chicken wire To bulwark the shore For glass houses and negligently cast stones When glory was a thing Broken easily in derelictions As if that were prayer But half sideways The emetus with a life of its own Written when I thought I died The sea exhaling all around That estuarine scour Of brine and diesel on the page Screwed it up - threw it away Read the impressions As if ink was thin as life – a tide Below, between machine ruled lines A few, illegible gouged words Relentless in their parallelograms Living in some now alien hand Tore it out but Irregardless of how much I erase It is the welt you left Littoral in reprise