We are all old now
Or naively young
I turned the word
You gave
Like clay, separated
To nebulous parts
Not quite rejoined again
Stretched, affixed, addended
Made to serve the hollow shape
Of as yet undetermined meanings
Under the microscope
Tears of anger, tears of grief
Tears of your everyday failures
Are as unalike as snowflakes
Melting in the caveats of your face
The ice shelf calves
The beast on unsteady feet
Circumambulating a subpolar current
As if an isthmus masked
In cruciform Pierrot markings
A tedium’s dissolve
Slap away the proffered hand
Topsy-turvy islands
Far from reach
Image adapted from; Wilson Bentley and William Humphreys’ Snow Crystals (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1931).