Whale watching

I eat leaves
They have the gritted
Pungency of autumn
As if humus were the mired death of whales
Between the narrows, the soughing shore
Rain tastes like, an oscillating erosion
Breathe, breathe a breath
There is a leviathan
Waiting in your throat
To hail flukes
In a last flung shout
Of escape

Autumn leaf girl

That rockmelon moon

Leant to a smile

A girl, leaf brown

Fell from a tree

From limbs with mouths

That age old gnarl

Turned yellow eve, russet, sun lost

Spiralled down to holes and with 

The endless shape

Of clasped hands  

In her soughing, see-saw breath

From the morning, scattered

Pharaoh’s autumn laundry

A leaf-curl sneer
As if autumn fish-hooked petulance
From the wet corner of your mouth

Almost lemons 
The laundry scent
Not quite a Sunday seaside
Still muggy with
The thick damp cloth
Of March wrung out
Until your paled hands
Annoyedly dripping
Slip on the too-tight, criss-cross tap
Overcast and
Creased as deserts

Speaking sideways
The cement sarcophagus deep
Strands of hair and muck
As grim as pharaoh’s echoing
Coriolis voice

Rictus lips and
In the darkly narrow drain, a glint